the travis county Veteran's Court

The Veteran's Court application process

Veterans Treatment Court is a specialized court, overseen by Judge Urrutia, 450th District Court, designed to meet the particular needs of the veteran community. The goal is to promote sobriety, recovery, and stability through a coordinated response that involves the cooperation and collaboration of many different levels of the Veterans Treatment Court team. The program utilizes a non-adversarial approach in which the Veterans Court team works together with the Veteran to guide him/her toward successfully attaining their goals. Read More On the Website for the Veteran's Court.

Veteran's Court Handbook

Read this handbook about the program.

Vet Court Application

Print and fill out the form below and sign. Send it to us.

VA Release of Information

Print and fill out the form below and sign. Each pre-filled “X’d” box needs to be initialed, there are 9 X’d boxes that need to be initialed. Send to us.

If you are NOT already in the VA System, follow these instructions:

You’ll need to complete the 1010EZ and take it to the VA. When you walk in go to the reception desk and ask them where you need to take the form. They will help you from there. Once you get registered with the VA, you will get a primary care appointment once you get that appt, you will then call the SATP clinic and request an assessment. If you are a combat veteran, the other option is that you can call the Austin Vet Center (512) 416-1314, schedule an appt with Patrick Smith and let him know that you’re needing to have a screening completed for the Veterans Court program. This is the easier and quicker option. However, you will need to get enrolled in the VA regardless of which avenue you take.

If you are in the VA System, follow these instructions:

You will call the SATP clinic (512) 823-4040 and request an assessment.

Again, if you are a combat veteran, the other option is that you can call the Austin Vet Center (512) 416-1314, schedule an appt with Patrick Smith or Jhvonnay Pinto and let him know that you’re needing to have a screening completed for the Veterans Court program. This is the easier and quicker option. However, you will need to get enrolled in the VA regardless of which avenue you take.

VA Screening Form

This form needs to be filled out by the VA counselor.

Also Send us your DD214