How To Get A Copy of Your AR Driving Record From DPS

How To Get A Copy of Your AR Driving Record From DPS

Charlie explains the process of obtaining a Texas DPS AR driving record, which is essential for acquiring an occupational license.


Q: What is an AR driving record and why do I need one?

A: An AR driving record is required to obtain an occupational license in Texas. It's a necessary document that judges review when deciding whether to grant an occupational license. Without it, the application for the license may be denied.

Q: How can I obtain my Texas DPS AR driving record?

A: You can obtain your AR driving record online directly from the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) website. It's crucial to ensure you're using the official DPS website ( and not a service from a private company that might charge extra fees.

Q: Why should I avoid using third-party services to obtain my driving record?

A: Third-party services often charge additional fees to provide your driving record. By accessing it directly from the Texas DPS, you can avoid these extra charges.

Q: What is the process for ordering a driving record from Texas DPS online?

A: Navigate to the "Order Now" section of the website, which is the blue box in the middle of the webpage with a green button. Follow the prompts to the checklist page, and ensure you have a supported browser. Enter your driver's license number, date of birth, the last four digits of your SSN, and the audit number. If you don't know your audit number, you can answer security questions to verify your identity.

Q: How much does it cost to obtain an AR driving record from Texas DPS?

A: The fee for obtaining an AR driving record is $22, payable by credit card through the DPS website.

Q: What should I do after receiving my AR driving record?

A: Once you have your AR driving record, you can print it directly from your browser or receive it via email as a PDF. You should then provide this document to your attorney or the entity requiring it for your occupational license application.

Q: Can I print my driving record immediately after purchasing it online?

A: Yes, you can print your driving record immediately after purchase by entering your driver's license number as the password. Alternatively, you can choose to have the record emailed to you.

Q: It's not letting me order the AR driving record online. What do I do?

A: You'll have to order your AR driving record by mail instead. Complete this Driver Records Request form and mail it with a $20 fee ($2 less than the online filing fee) to the following address:

Texas Department of Public Safety

PO Box 149008

Austin, Texas 78714-9008